Chesapeake 55+ Comprehensive Plan - page 18

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Offer streamlined guidance to planners and developers regarding best practices for
age-friendly housing and technical assistance for completing age- and ability-
appropriate housing (e.g., zoning and building codes, resources for answering
questions, checklists of housing characteristics, pattern books, universal design
Offer suggestions for home modifications to increase accessibility.
Action Item 1.2 – Improve Accessibility
Policy efforts that lead to inclusive and accessible
housing are critical for our City as we all continue to age.
Adopt policies, offer incentives and implement programs to enhance aspects of age-
friendly policies and programs in the City’s Comprehensive Plans including accessible
infrastructure – sidewalks, curb cuts, cross walks, transportation shelters – to connect
housing to social, medical, recreational, faith based, and employment centers
Review and strengthen policies that pertain to tax abatements, local and statewide
structural code, fair housing, green building, urban renewal, visit-ability (minimally,
having at least one no-step entrance, interior doors providing 31.75 inches or more of
unobstructed passage space, and a toilet on the main floor), and affordability to
increase the availability of accessible housing for older adults.
Action Item 1.3 – Encourage Innovative Approaches to Housing Older Adults
Chesapeake desires to be a leader in urban planning and smart growth. The city has a unique
opportunity to advance the planning and development of sustainable housing and communities
for residents of all ages.
Encourage demonstration projects, design competitions, innovative approaches to
shared housing (e.g., accessible accessory dwelling units, shared single-family homes,
flex suites), and intergenerational housing and all-age communities.
Encourage the development of housing for veterans, previously homeless, and other at
risk populations.
Action Item 1.4 – Advance Opportunities for Aging in Community
Chesapeake is a city of
neighborhoods, each with its own geographic and socioeconomic characteristics.
Opportunities to age in place should be available in each of Chesapeake’s neighborhoods to
provide ample choices for community-residing older adults as well as to foster healthy,
connected neighborhoods.
Review and strengthen City codes that regulate development practices in order to
reduce obstacles to shared housing and other housing models that meet the needs of
older adults who want to continue to live independently in their neighborhoods.
Foster the creation of private and public outdoor spaces for social interactions in and
near housing developments, particularly in parts of the city that are park deficient.
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