Chesapeake 55+ Comprehensive Plan - page 17

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Through our community discussions, seniors expressed concern that the cost to maintain and
update their homes becomes prohibitive for those on fixed incomes. Not only is the population
aging, but the housing stock will age as well. As an example, a couple which might have
married in 1975, bought a new house in 1980, raised their children, and now is soon to enter
retirement find themselves with a 40 year old house that may need a new roof, HVAC,
windows, etc.
They also had concerns that there is a risk of being scammed by unscrupulous service
providers who take payment and don’t deliver the service or it is substandard. The
Chesapeake Comprehensive Plan states that more than 80% of senior householders will be
homeowners. Rising energy prices have also impacted overall housing affordability especially
for those living in older, less energy efficient homes.
Incorporating universal design may only add about 5% to the costs of building a home,
compared to building a similar home without universal design features. But the lack of a home
that can accommodate the physical needs of the aging population is a key factor in isolation,
falls, or having to move from the home.
One segment of the community that represents potential unique population needs is veterans.
The number of 65 and older veterans in Chesapeake is projected to grow from 8,200 in 2012
to 16,000 in 2040.
It is estimated that 21% of veterans suffer from Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder and other trauma induced conditions, making them more likely to have challenges in
finding stable housing.
Action Item 1.1 – Provide Education to Consumers, Planners and Developers
friendly housing must be better understood on both the supply and demand sides.
Educate residents who are looking for housing and those who desire to stay in their
existing homes about options and costs so they can find the best fit with their current
and, ideally, their future needs, whether they are looking for affordable or market-rate
housing or they are seeking long-term care services and supports.
Housing Stock Aging Based on
2010 Existing Housing
35 years +
25 years
15 years
5 years
<5 years
1...,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,...45
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