City of Chesapeake Neighborhood Quality of Life Study 2014 Update - page 6

Dimension 2006 Quality of Life Patterns
2014 Quality of Life Patterns
Revitalizing neighborhoods were
distributed across the northern half of
the city.
In 2014, the majority of High Priority
NSAs are similarly distributed through
the northern half of the city, with just
two located in the southern half of the
city. There are several clusters in the
middle of the area north of S. Military
Just two NSAs were identified as
revitalizing. These neighborhoods were
located just north of S. Military
Highway on either side of I-464.
There is a cluster of High Priority NSAs
located north of S. Military Highway.
Other High Priority NSAs are dispersed
throughout the northern half of the city,
with just three located south of S.
Military Highway.
Cumulative Quality of Life Results
The dimensional priority scores (for social, crime, physical and economic) were aggregated for
each NSA to calculate a cumulative quality of life ranking of each NSA relative to the rest of the
city. Each NSA was assigned a cumulative quality of life score of 0 to 4, reflecting its total
number of high priority dimensions.
Table 3 in the Cumulative Quality of Life Results section of the report lists all NSAs which met
the High Priority criteria for one or more dimensions. Figure 3 (also shown on the following
page) shows that NSAs that received three or four Dimensional High Priority scores are located
in an area north of South Military Highway. NSAs which received one or two Dimensional High
Priority scores tend to be dispersed across the city.
Figure 5 (also shown on the following page) in the Cumulative Quality of Life Results section of
the report provides a comparison of the 2006 and 2014 citywide quality of life results. Although
the NSA boundaries changed between 2006 and 2014, Figure 5 shows some consistency by
identifying NSAs
north of South Military Highway along I-464
as most in need of quality of life
Looking Forward
Neighborhood quality of life provides an important foundation for the long-term sustainability of
the City of Chesapeake. Looking ahead, the 2014 NQL Study offers a resource for residents,
community leaders, city staff, and elected decision-makers to guide effective investments in
Chesapeake’s neighborhoods. Refinements to the 2006 NQL methodology and NSA boundaries
have positioned the City of Chesapeake in the future to take advantage of the vast amount of data
related to quality of life available through the American Community Survey. By regularly
updating the NQL study, the City of Chesapeake can continue to track the community’s progress
over time and further expand the set of variables explored.
November 2014
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