Chesapeake 55+ Comprehensive Plan - page 30

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The severe workforce shortage will challenge the health care system’s ability to meet the
increasing demand for health care services. In 2005, there was a U.S. shortage of about
220,000 registered nurses; by 2020 that gap will be over one million. The nursing shortage is
caused by both increased demand and by the aging of the nursing workforce – nurses are
Baby Boomers too. With fewer individuals entering the profession, or entering at an older age,
the average age of the nursing workforce has increased every year.
While the nursing shortage receives the most attention, other patient care positions are also
experiencing shortages. As of December 2006, nationally while over 8% of nursing positions
were vacant, 8% of pharmacist positions also were vacant and nearly 6% of laboratory and
imaging technician jobs were not filled.
Older persons strongly desire to remain in their home as long as possible. In order to do this
as they age, they develop the need for assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing,
shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. These functions can be done by in home service providers
such as home health aides or personal care assistants. In 2013, the Hampton Roads mean
salary for home health aides was $9.66 per hour. The Federal Poverty level standard for a
family of three was $19,530. This means that a single mom with two children who works as a
home health aide will continue to live in poverty.
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